Together We Empower Your Child To Sleep Better
Learn simple and proven 5 steps system to get your precious little one the sleep you both deserved!
Are you exhausted and tired from waking up in the middle of the night for your child?
Is your little one fighting naps and taking ages to sleep only to end up catnapping?
Are you at your wit’s end?
Not having enough sleep and not knowing what to do can be very stressful. Just know you are not alone! SG Supernanny is here to the rescue to help you to get back your precious sleep.
Together we will work out a plan to get your baby and you to sleep well and through the night.

"Families come to me exhausted and sleep deprived, together we come up with a plan to get everyone sleeping again!“
Zoe Chu, SG Supernanny
Introducing The Sleep Baby Sleep Program

Here are some of SG Supernanny’s Sleep Baby Sleep Program SUCCESS STORIES
Gail & Jem's Success Story
Joined SG Supernanny’s Sleep Program when their baby was 9 months old
"Life changed after we joined Sleep Baby Sleep program. Zoe's 5 steps system works very well for Sora. All we have to do is just read her a book, give her a kiss, put her down to sleep and she's a happy baby. She sleeps within 5 mins and she can sleep for 2 hours for her naps. We are much more well-rested, we have long blocks of sleep, no disruption and no more waking up in the middle of the night to give her pacifier because she can self-soothe."
Rebecca and Edward’s Success Story
Joined SG Supernanny’s Sleep Baby Sleep Program when their baby was 4 months old
“Ellie is now sleeping in her cot and taking 1.5-2 hours nap. She is calm in her cot and can self-settle and wakes up a happier and well rested baby.”
Jack and Nadia’s Success Story
Joined SG Supernanny’s Sleep Program when their babies were 2.5 years old and 5 months old
“We got our lives back! We got our sleep back! We were both happier and more productive and playful during the day. It was life changing! We will definitely recommend Zoe to as many people as possible because it really really worked!”
Hi! I’m Zoe Chu, SG Supernanny!
Your Trusted Sleep Expert in Singapore
I am a speaker, author, baby and certified adult sleep expert. I have help transformed the lives of thousands of tired and sleep deprived families all around the world through my Simple 5 Steps System to a Better NightĘĽs Sleep.
So why should you trust me?
Well, the short answer is because I have been there and I have done that. I was struggling as a first time mom with my twins and I was beyond exhausted when both of them were not sleeping well.
I made a bunch of mistakes trying to get them both to sleep and I have been able to learn from my mistakes so that now I can share with you the right methods.
ThatĘĽs why I have spent the last 7 years helping thousands of families (parents with babies 0-5 years old) because I genuinely want to empower more tired and sleep deprived families to get back their precious sleep and transformed their parenting lives for the better.

What Mothers Have To Say About SG Supernanny's Sleep Baby Sleep Program

“My girl has not only slept through the night, she’s able to self soothe herself to sleep for both her night sleeps and nap times! Not only that, what used to be half an hour cat naps, she now takes 1.5 - 2 hour naps twice a day 🎉. Just this afternoon, my dad told me she slept for 2.5 hours 🎉🎉🎉. ”
Sock Hian, Joined SBS program when her baby was 9 months old

"I remember sharing with you that she fed poorly and was always crying and fussing but that changed after she was sleep trained. She’s such a happy baby now and I’m enjoying motherhood so much more!"
Jean, Joined VIP Package SBS Program when her baby was 6 weeks old.

"The beauty about Zoe’s baby sleep training program to me is like “going back to the basic” there is no gimmicks, props or any excess stuff. Just science and commitment. I like how she set up a framework for me and was quite firm on sticking to her framework. And it really worked!"
Beth, Joined SBS Program when her baby was 6 months old.
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Designed to Fit Every Budget!
If you talk to my clients, they would tell you that joining my personalised coaching program:
- “It’s worth every dollar!”
- "It's the best investment ever!"
- "It's one of the best decisions ever!"
That's because you are investing in a life-changing transformation. You are going to get back your precious sleep, your me-time, your couple-time and just thoroughly enjoy your parenthood a lot more. Because that's what good sleep can do to you. And the best thing is - it's not just for YOU.
It's REALLY for your precious little one.
Seeing your child waking up happy and well rested. Now that's just priceless!
Because I know how important good sleep is to every family, I want to make sure everyone can have access to my Sleep Baby Sleep program.
I want to make the gift of a good night’s sleep available to absolutely everyone – no matter what your budget is.
My mission after all is to empower 1 million tired and sleep deprived families to get back their precious sleep. So I have put together all these different packages for you to choose from:
Baby Sleep Training Packages
Baby Sleep Training Packages
Lite E-Consult
Everything from the PRO package plus
Everything from the Pro Package plus
Home Consult
Everything from the Pro Package plus
Everything from the Pro Package plus
Schedule A Complimentary 20 mins Discovery Call To Learn More About The Premium Package
Brenda’s Success Story
Joined SG Supernanny’s Sleep Baby Sleep Program when her baby was 10 months old
“It’s been a month since we consulted Zoe. We have seen a dramatic improvement with his day naps. We started seeing results by night 2. I know he’s well rested as you can see through his face. He’s a lot happier and he’s able to bond with his brothers. Engaging a baby sleep expert has been a great investment. Zoe has changed my life and my family’s life.”
Mommy Faith and Grandma Anne
Joined SG Supernanny’s Sleep Baby Sleep Program when her baby was just 5 weeks old
"I get so much more rest and I feel more confident in handling her now. I was struggling so much previously and it led to many unhappiness within the family. We always believe in knowledge of sleep science and it really help us to recognise her cues and knowing what to do when she cry. Thank you so much!"
Does your method involve Crying It Out (CIO)? I won't be able to take any kind of crying whatsoever!
I have tried everything and so many other sleep training programs and books out there, what makes yours any different?
How long will it take for me to get my results?
Which package should I choose?
What's the difference between DIY, Budget and Premium Package?
Why should I trust you to help me with my child’s sleep issues?
Top 5 Biggest Mistakes Most Parents Are Making About Their Child's Sleep
- Avoid making these mistakes so your child will not be overtired
- Learn what to do instead to get your child to sleep well
- ​Discover your child's sleep problems and their causes