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Hi, I'm Zoe!

If you have been struggling to get your little one to sleep and you feel that you are losing your sanity each day with the lack of sleep…


There’s a way to tackle your child’s sleep issue for good—and finally, get some deep,
rejuvenating sleep yourself.

Not getting enough sleep isn’t just bad for you but it’s also bad for your baby.

It’s not good for babies because inadequate sleep might affect their growth and

And of course, it’s awful for your health (and sanity)…not to mention your marriage—it’s so hard to be yourself when you’re exhausted, right?

I know because I’ve gone through this myself…with 4 kids!

But I had to learn the hard way…when I first had my twins, I was really struggling to get them to sleep. My husband and I were like walking zombies. I didn’t know how bad the sleep deprivation was starting to affect me emotionally and mentally until I got into a fight with my mother-in-law! I was horrified with myself as the usual well rested me would not have reacted this way. I was not myself at all.

Then one fine day, a lovely neighbour of mine, Vania told me to explore sleep training and with her guidance, I started implementing what I have learned on my twins and voila! It worked and my twins started to sleep well and through the night.

I started a blog about my sleep training journey. And then, other sleep-deprived parents were asking me for help. Before I knew it, my story about helping tired families was featured in “Mother & Baby” Magazine, “Motherhood”, and even The Straits Times”.

Today, my mission is to help as many tired & sleep-deprived’ parents, just like you, claim back your sleep so you too can enjoy your little ones.

I learned from my mistakes I made as a first time mom, connected all the dots and discovered how to get my babies to sleep well and through the night.

So, the HARD TRUTH is that it has taken me lots of trial and error to get to where I am today. However, my goal is to change that for YOU. I want to take my own struggles and turn them into WINS for you…

Because my business is not just about me. It’s about the people I’m meant to help.

…and that’s where the GOOD NEWS starts for you 🙂

I have developed a simple 5 Step System that is proven and effective to getting your child to sleep well and through the night.

My 4 babies including my twins are able to sleep through the night from just 3-4 months old because I fostered healthy sleep habits for them.

I have helped thousands of tired and sleep deprived families get back their precious sleep as well using my simple, proven and effective

5 steps Sleep Baby Sleep Program


So when you see other babies sleeping so well and falling asleep on their own, it’s not because they have some special sleepy dust.


It’s just because their parents made the decision to sign up and acquire the knowledge to
apply what they have learned.


Mommies, let’s foster healthy sleep habits together. Enjoy your motherhood with better sleep for everyone in your family!

Zoe Chu

Baby not sleeping through the night?



Follow me to know me better and get my sleep tips and positivity @sgsupernanny

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